Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Mini Fruits Tartlets

Mini Fruits tartlets ..
For your orders please add me on my blackberry: 25841A8C
تارت الفواكه .. 
لطلباتكم ..ضيفوني على البلاك بيري لو سمحتوا . . 25841A8C

Mini Chocolate Cakes

Mini Chocolate Tartlets .. silky and smooth <3 ..
For your orders please add me on my blackberry: 25841A8C
كيك الشوكلت الميني .. 
لطلباتكم ..ضيفوني على البلاك بيري لو سمحتوا . . 25841A8C


Mini Burgers

Mini Burgers ready to get nibbled up in seconds!
For your orders please add me on my blackberry: 25841A8C

ميني برجر بالصلصة الخاصة .. 
لطلباتكم ..ضيفوني على البلاك بيري لو سمحتوا . . 25841A8C

Olive Pesto Crostini

Olive Pesto Crostini ..
For your orders please add me on my blackberry: 25841A8C

الكروستيني بـ بستو الزيتون .. 
لطلباتكم ..ضيفوني على البلاك بيري لو سمحتوا . . 25841A8C

Mini Cinnabons

Mini cinnabons ..
For your orders please add me on my blackberry: 25841A8C
ميني سينابون .. 
لطلباتكم ..ضيفوني على البلاك بيري لو سمحتوا . . 25841A8C

Triple Chocolate Brownies

Triple Chocolate Brownies ..
For your orders please add me on my blackberry : 25841A8C

البراونيز بـ 3 انواع من الـ  Chocolate 
لطلباتكم ..ضيفوني على البلاك بيري لو سمحتوا . . 25841A8C

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Shrimp Biryani

This dish is one of my family's favourite! .. and my sister is addicted to it :) ..

it's amazingly fragrant with aromatic spices, it tastes DELICIOUS and it will make you crave for more! ..
it is just perfect for a gathering ..

برياني الربيان اللذييييييييذ .. لا يقاوم الصراحة ..

Berries & Cream cups

the picture says it all ..berries, cream and all yummy goodness!
اكواب التوت المشكلة مع الكريما ..

Sticky date pudding

it's such a fancy desert .. i love how airy and how moist it is..
that's my Sticky date pudding :)

كيك التمر الشهي ..

Boneless buffalo chicken

hey there! am so sorry for the long "not-writing-anything" in my blog .. but i was kinda busy ..
on a hunt for new yummy stuff to include within my menu ! ..

well..here's one thing that i came up with ..those succulent bites of boneless buffalo chicken..it's tender, it's spicy, and it's sweet! .. what a yummy combo :D ..

for your orders please add me on my blackberry

مرحبا.. السموحه على الغيبة الطويلة ..احس اني ما نزلت شي من زمان :) .. 
بس كنت مشغولة شوي و كنت ادور على اشياء حلوة ولذيذة احطها في المنيو .. 

هذا الشي اللذيذ هو دجاج البوفالو ..بدون عظم طبعاً عشان تستمتعون بالطعم اكثر .. :$ 
حلو و سبايسي ( شوي حار) ..

لطلباتكم ..ضيفوني على البلاك بيري لو سمحتوا . . 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Carrot Cake

Carrot cake with a creamy frosting..very good with coffee, tea or whatever beverage you prefer!
yummyness guaranteed :) ..
كيكة الجزر اللذييييييذة ..

An Order ..

that was an order of a customer..i can tell, she has well chosen the items! ..

طلبية الزبون ..اختيار جداً رائع :)

Chicken Shawarma in a special bread

crispy from the outside and incredibly yummy from the inside! ..
Chicken Shawarma ..

شاورما الدجاج بالخبز الخاص .. 
جربوه .. :)


a random picture that combines 2 items ..
mini pizza + zucchini rolls .. :) two of the yummiest items!

صورة عفوية .. تضمن الميني بيتزا و فطاير الكوسا .. 

Potato rolls - NEW

those silky rolls filled with an amazing potato mix,
something delicious and mouth-watering!
it's a newly added item to the menu :) ..enjoy!

فطاير بحشوة البطاط .. اضافة جديدة للقائمة ..  

Hot-Dog-Mix sandwich

it's very light and very much on demand ..
hot dogs, chopped and mixed with a special sauce!

ساندويتش الهوت دوغ مع الصلصة الخاصة .. 
لذيذ و خفيف :)

Just enjoying dinner ..

hmm garlic bread .. everybody loves that am sure! .. along side with a bowl of simple red sauce pasta .. a whole dinner in just about half an hour! ..

Sorry but this isn't included in the menu :) .. haha ..all mine :D

Thursday, April 19, 2012


hey there all ..

umm i just wanted to tell you that the only days i have for your orders for next week are:
Saturday 21-4
Sunday 22-4
Tuesday 24-4

i'll be travelling on wednesday 25-4 and will hopefully be back by saturday 28-4 :) .. so until then..i'll see u :D

مرحبا .. 

بس حبيت اقولكم انه اللي حابين يطلبون الاسبوع الياي .. عندي بس هالايام متوفرة .. 
السبت 21-4
الاحد 22-4 
الثلاثاء 24-4

لاني الاربعاء باذن الله مسافرة 25-4 .. وبرجع ان شاء الله السبت 28-4 .. 
اشوفكم على خير ..

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Club Sandwich

Club Sandwich ~ 
it's all about layers ..you choose the filling and am here to make your orders come true :) .. 

الكلوب ساندويتش ..

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Spicy Chicken wrap

it's a fav amongst the customers ! very tasty and delicious ..
u should try it ;D

راب الدجاج الحار . . لذيييييييييذ لازم تجربونه :) ..

chocolate brownies

gooey yummy chocolatey brownies! <3

البراونيز بال Chocolate  >>

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Assortment of pastries

Assortment of puffs, rolls and sandwiches .. an order that drove my attention to it <3 !

تشكيلة فطاير و معجنات و ميني ساندويتش ..

Chocolate chip cookies

 cookies  & milk .. who wouldn't want it ?! 

كوكـيز .. :)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Chocolate Cake ..

heavenly delicious ..
you'll love it!

كيك ال Chocolate >>

mini pizzas

pretty and yummy :) ..
my lil cheesy florettes <3

الميني بيتزا ..

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Caprese Salad

i love the color combination of it ..
looks elegant, tastes delicious!

سلطـة الكابريسي  ..

Sunday, March 18, 2012

today's order~! Mix it up ;D

order of today! a mixed platter of different puffs and rolls :D ..
hope u enjoyed it <3 ..

طلبية اليـوم ..عيبتني التشكيـلة و قلت بصور لكم صورة :) .. 
الف عـافية يارب ..

hot pockets

with your choice of filling! i create this :) ..
cheese & carrot, meat, cheese,,,,,,etc :D ..

فطاير محشية بـاللي تحبون ! 
جبن و جزر..لحم..جبن .. الخ :]

Cheese & Carrot fan ** New

this is new ! and i must say, it's very light and fluffy :) ..
hope u guys like it! <3 ..

فطاير " المروحة " بالجبن والجزر .. اضافة يديدة اتمنى تعيبكم :)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Mango & Cream cups

for all the mango's lovers ..
this is daddy's favourite <3

اكواب المانجو والكريما ..

المفضل عند ابويـه :) ..

Chocolate cups!

another fav of mine ..
*am sorry for the mess but was in a hurry to take the shot :) *

أكواب الشوكولاتـه ..

Spinach & Cheese mini puffs

it's one of my favourites! "once u pop, u can't stop" ;D

بف السبانخ بالجـبن .. 
احبــــــــه !!
This lovely picture was taken by: Shot Studio - please click here :)

Mac & Cheese bites ** new !

it's a new item added on the finger-food menu! very party-like canapés  :) ..
cheese and yummy

ميني معكرونة بالجبنة ! .. اضافة جديدة على قائمة المقبلات .. :) 

Spicy chicken pasta

simply yum! <3

باستا الدجاج الحـار ..

Avocado Salad

The creaminess of the avocado, and the crunchiness of the veggies sum it up! <3

سلـطة الافوكادو ..

Japanese noodles

Deliciousness <3 ..

النودلز الياباني .. :)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Chocolate ..Chocolate .. Chocolate

Chocolate dream land :) ..

كب كيك ال Chocolate

Great demand on those heavenly cuppies!

a well chosen-name ..they are lil pieces of red velvets indeed ..

كب كيك ال red velvet ^^

My Ol' famous-for baqlawa

" A picture is worth a thousand words " .. :) yup !

" صورة عن الف كلـمة "  :) .. 
بقلاوة بالفستق ..

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Tomato & herb crostini

it's light, it's delicate ..it's ..hmmm you name it :)
those crispy bites are  tomato-lovers best friends ..

الكروستيني (الخبز) بالطماطم و الاعشاب .. :) 
بالعافيـة ..

Red velvet cuppies

old traditional red velvet cuppies with creamy buttercream frosting ..
enjoyy ! :)

كب كيك ال red velvet .. :)

Chocolate Truffles ..

sinful yet guiltless .. that's what i call my truffles :) ..
you wont stop nibbling on them .. <3

الترافلز ..

Friday, March 9, 2012

Olive pesto crostini

a crush over crostinis? absolutely ..
over olives ..yes of course ..

so this created the perfect combo for me .. Olive pesto crostini !
the crunchiness of the bread, the saltiness of the olives all come together in a perfect harmony .. <3

This is my new addition to the finger food section .. i love it! and am sure you will too (& your guests) .. :)

الكروستيني (الخبز) مع بستو الزيتون الاسود .. 

شي يقرمش ..شي مالح ..و كله على بعضه ..يممم !

متأكده انه بيعيبكم .. 100% :)

Finger food section will be updated.. SOON :)

hey there ..

Upon the requests of many customers & potential ones, the finger food menu will be updated soon with many more extra items! .. so wait up for my update ..and enjoy :)

P.S: the newly added finger food stuff will be mainly mini bites, suitable for parties, private occassions, baby showers, and such things .. a bite-to-go! to save urselves from massive chaos .. :D

For now,
Have a great weekend ! 

السلام عليكم ..

بناءً على طلبات  الكثير من الزبائن .. بيتم تحديث قائمة المقبلات قريباً .. مع إضافات  لذيذه و مشوقة !

انتظروا الجديد ..

Apologies ..

Good morning peeps ..

I am so sorry for not posting anything in the past few days ..i've been a bit busy with the orders rush ! *el7mdella cant complaint* ..

I promise you though, there are alot more to come very soon, stay tuned! & please visit my page often,

I'll make sure i bedazzle you <3 ..

For the mean time, here is my version of a greek salad! .. very yummy :D ! >>

مرحبا ...السموحة منكم حبايبي ما نزلت شي خلال اليومين اللي طافوا .. 

بس ترقبوا مني كل يديد ان شاء الله .. 

والحين اخليكم مع صورة السلطة اليونانية ... سلطة لذيذة  ^^


Good night <3

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tomato soup

So i was sitting on my cosy sofa .. and was just done from an order .. relaxing ..
*my phone rings* .. and it was my sis! .. she asked me if i can make a tomato soup for her..couldn't say no ..

and here is the result :D ..Tomato-basil soup ..turned out yummy <3

Mini croissants!

Tempting, delightful, and savory mini croissants are always a people's-pick! .. with your own choice of stuffings, these little cheesy packages can be delivered right to your door-step !

الكرواسون الميني .. مع اختياراتكم الخاصة من الجبن, اللبنة, الزعتر ..او اي تشكيلة ثانيه في بالكم ..خبروني :) ..

enjoy <3

My sinfully pleasing zucchini rolls ..!
Of course that's before popping them into the oven ..

Most demanding finger food :) !

فطاير الكوسا قبل لا ادخلهم الفرن :) ..


Good evening! ..

For catering your special events that would probably host a large number of people, please contact me on either my mobile or blackberry pin for more information about it, as the prices and menu might differ.

مـسا الخيـر .. 
بالنسبة لطلبيات الحفلات او العزايم ..فـ الرجاء الاتصال مباشرة ليتم التحديد والتنسيق .. 

Phone: 0556834778
Blackberry: 25841A8C

hey there again.. it's me ..(duuh) !

alot of pics have been uploaded to the YUMMY Pictures page ... please visit it and have a look at those pics ..

your opinions, and comments are very welcomed ! :)

Chaww ..

صباح الخير حبايبي .. 

نزلت صور كثيرة ( مب وايد شوي بس ) ههههه ..في صفحة الصور ! 

Monday, March 5, 2012

hellew bloggers! ..

just a couple of minutes ago i have uploaded my very first pic..yeey !! ..it's been a bit hard figuring out what's this and that ..but oh well, i've finally managed :) ..

well i guess i'll leave you with my DELICIOUS spaghetti picture of mine ! .. <3

Click here to have a look!

G'night peeps

من شوي حطيت اول صوره لكم عشان تشوفونها ..
شي لذييييييييييييييييييييذ و حلو :) .. 
سباغيتي بولونيز .. 

اضغطوا هني .. :)