Sunday, April 22, 2012

Carrot Cake

Carrot cake with a creamy frosting..very good with coffee, tea or whatever beverage you prefer!
yummyness guaranteed :) ..
كيكة الجزر اللذييييييذة ..

An Order ..

that was an order of a customer..i can tell, she has well chosen the items! ..

طلبية الزبون ..اختيار جداً رائع :)

Chicken Shawarma in a special bread

crispy from the outside and incredibly yummy from the inside! ..
Chicken Shawarma ..

شاورما الدجاج بالخبز الخاص .. 
جربوه .. :)


a random picture that combines 2 items ..
mini pizza + zucchini rolls .. :) two of the yummiest items!

صورة عفوية .. تضمن الميني بيتزا و فطاير الكوسا .. 

Potato rolls - NEW

those silky rolls filled with an amazing potato mix,
something delicious and mouth-watering!
it's a newly added item to the menu :) ..enjoy!

فطاير بحشوة البطاط .. اضافة جديدة للقائمة ..  

Hot-Dog-Mix sandwich

it's very light and very much on demand ..
hot dogs, chopped and mixed with a special sauce!

ساندويتش الهوت دوغ مع الصلصة الخاصة .. 
لذيذ و خفيف :)

Just enjoying dinner ..

hmm garlic bread .. everybody loves that am sure! .. along side with a bowl of simple red sauce pasta .. a whole dinner in just about half an hour! ..

Sorry but this isn't included in the menu :) .. haha ..all mine :D

Thursday, April 19, 2012


hey there all ..

umm i just wanted to tell you that the only days i have for your orders for next week are:
Saturday 21-4
Sunday 22-4
Tuesday 24-4

i'll be travelling on wednesday 25-4 and will hopefully be back by saturday 28-4 :) .. so until then..i'll see u :D

مرحبا .. 

بس حبيت اقولكم انه اللي حابين يطلبون الاسبوع الياي .. عندي بس هالايام متوفرة .. 
السبت 21-4
الاحد 22-4 
الثلاثاء 24-4

لاني الاربعاء باذن الله مسافرة 25-4 .. وبرجع ان شاء الله السبت 28-4 .. 
اشوفكم على خير ..

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Club Sandwich

Club Sandwich ~ 
it's all about layers choose the filling and am here to make your orders come true :) .. 

الكلوب ساندويتش ..

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Spicy Chicken wrap

it's a fav amongst the customers ! very tasty and delicious ..
u should try it ;D

راب الدجاج الحار . . لذيييييييييذ لازم تجربونه :) ..

chocolate brownies

gooey yummy chocolatey brownies! <3

البراونيز بال Chocolate  >>

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Assortment of pastries

Assortment of puffs, rolls and sandwiches .. an order that drove my attention to it <3 !

تشكيلة فطاير و معجنات و ميني ساندويتش ..

Chocolate chip cookies

 cookies  & milk .. who wouldn't want it ?! 

كوكـيز .. :)